Monday, May 20, 2024

re archaeology dept at Stanford 

They have one of the most regular weekly lunch speaker events which has it's pros & cons. The cons are that it becomes a clique after a while. There are regulars there who seem like they haven't missed a lunch in decades. 

And they keep track ( in their minds) of who's who. These regulars are not very impressive individuals. One in particular is a major slob. And it's not as if they are eminent scholars. They just happen to be in the same place at the same time every week for years on end . 

Even the speakers they bring in sometime are exceedingly boring & dull (which apparently is the way they like it). And they DON'T sincerely like "outsiders". The dept chair may give platitudes in his welcome but if they decide to not like you they make it known thru micro aggressions, including the "Stanford stare" or "evil eye" . 

One guy with a big beard on repeat occasions would turn & give me a prolonged stare as if to say "who are you ?" even though I'd been coming there for a while.

 It's unethical & simply despicable for them to open it to the public if they don't really want us there. Just open it up to your cronies. It's not as if I'm a total dummy just coming out of a tent on the street to get a free lunch.

 I do have two bachelors and a Masters from good institutions, but I'm not one of those who likes to compare degrees. I let my accomplishments speak for itself .

 My purpose for originally attending this weekly lunch was to try to learn something. I always try to pick up a new nugget of wisdom or insight to add to my knowledge base. 

But I felt uncomfortable after a while with some of the supercilious attitudes I encountered. So I stopped attending even though I'm usually on campus on Wednesdays. I don't have any desire to return. 

You can have your little ladies coffee hour all to yourself & engage in group think. Congratulations . And I thought this was an institution of higher learning. 

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Dear Bob Ko K (Coke) I love you so much in Christ (Agape) and all the Ko K family .. we've been thru

Dear Bob Ko K (Coke)  I love you so much in Christ (Agape) and all the Ko K (Coke)  family .. we've been thru  so much together as an extended family. Can we not  we show love and kindness and benevolence towards one another ? Can we not be united in Christ as well as an extended family.? Your family has been thru a lot. We love you all. I am not sure how my communication was misinterpreted but it was all intended with love and respect for you and all the Coke family . I pray for reconciliation and peace. I receive kind and respectful dialogue with other family members. Is it only you (singular) that remains antagonistic towards me ? Bob, I love you (agape) in Christ and always will. None of your language or non-loving correspondence will change this to the end. God be with you. May you talk to Jesus Christ and ask for a spirit of reconciliation and kindness and peace in His name. Be filled with the love of the  Holy Spirit Bob. I claim not personal perfection in extending an olive branch . If we all had to be perfect persons before we could preach Christ, the pulpits would be empty. Hear my prayer for you (singular) as well as all of our extended family. 

In Christ Forever

Joy Lender 

Friday, December 8, 2023

Memorial Church, Stanford 

12/8/23 I've been coming to Stanford Memorial Church ⛪ for many years now, & tonight I attended the sing-along Christian worship ("festival of lessons & carols") which I thought would include the Catholics &  be ecumenical, but it turned out to be mostly composed of  the group led by the black leader from the Sunday 11am progressive service,  which is fine (although I'm not progressive, but conservative). However I would have liked if it had included the Catholics.

 Nonetheless, it started out nice & peaceful -very Christmas-y music . However, around halfway through the service I noticed a lady standing in back of me pacing & then she was kind of wandering around almost like a tourist looking at the walls maybe taking pictures I wasn't sure, & apparently not interested in being here for the service. This is usually frowned upon during a worship service. So I looked back and kind of gave her a hard stare to tell her that she was being bothersome. She apparently didn't care if she was being bothersome,  but she did disappear for a while. 

Then, near the end of the service she reappeared and stood closely behind me. I noticed a few others looking back at her as well as if wondering what she was doing. Stanford students aren't used to being watched by a security guard- you don't get into Stanford by being a bad boy or girl. And you don't need a babysitter. Anyways, I decided to leave a few seconds early because of her creepy presence (yes, some females can be creepy too sometimes) plus I had to get somewhere. 

So I went out the side door & she followed me. At this point, I'm like what the heck is going on? This is turning into harassment. Apparently she didn't even know what was behind the door that I went out, so I don't know what she's doing- like she's pretending to be a security guard or what's going on?! she obviously doesn't know the way things we work around Stanford. Police & security here are usually very low key and cool, NOT suspicious of everybody. 

I think she was kind of African-American, or dark skinned,  but it wasn't obvious exactly her race or ethnicity. She watched me go out the door and looked outside as if she had never seen this side of the church before. So either she was an imposter, or they assigned her to be some kind of attendant even though it was her first time there, which isn't very wise- if she doesn't even know the layout of the church,  & so everything seems suspicious to her. 

There's also a restroom in this hallway . which  would be another practical reason to go through this door & happens periodically during church services. Needless to say,  if this happens again I will make a complaint about her & whoever assigned her to do this, if such is the case.  If you just grab people and ask them to be an attendant or "play security" you need to have give them a little training first, & make sure they have practical skills as well as people skills, and aren't suspicious of everything that moves, or hopefully not just because I'm white at a black-led service. Can you imagine a white person doing this towards a black person? 

Furthermore, my family are big donors to Stanford and they will not be happy to hear about this. None of us here  need to be watched or observed or monitored. I am a very good person & a  good citizen & apparently I've been coming here much longer than this lady who appeared to be here for the first time. And suddenly she's a security guard,  or a wannabee?   That's not the way it works around the Stanford I know. Never has, never will. And at a Christmas service of all things. Good grief. Shame on you πŸ‘Ž.

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

re Dayton Transmission, Casper WY

Very disappointed ☹️. 

First, despite telling me my transmission was NO GOOD and that it would cost me $3600 for a new one, in the MIDST of telling me this he INSISTED I pay a $50 fee for the diagnosis (ie read the codes which I could do for free at O'Reilly's; & test drive ) . 

A reputable place tells you UP FRONT if there is a so-called "diagnostic fee".  I could have LEGALLY OBJECTED to paying anything at all since they didn't tell me up front but they have their whole FREAKIN FAMILY in the office ready to pounce on you . My feeling is that this place is top-heavy with excessive workers making them DESPERATE for every penny. Beware of a desperate mechanic shop. 

Second, it's looking more and more like all I really needed was some fresh transmission fluid. I'm still in the verification process but that's what it's looking like.

And I was literally on the verge of going to this place he recommended that buys cars and selling it for a low price thinking the repair cost is more than the vehicle is worth. He spoke with such bombastic blustering confidence saying he doubted I would even make it to Shoshoni, let alone Jackson blah blah blah. 

The truth is there were some codes indicating problems with the transmission- that is true- but that's because the transmission fluid was so hot and burned out (in conjunction with the extreme weather 🌑️ heat).

 I even asked to try a transmission fluid change & he scoffed and again said " that might help you get to Shoshoni but that's about it". He seemed fixated on Shoshone. 

Fact is that same night I drove through the night through Shoshone to Thermopolis and there I took care of things. 

Furthermore, during all of this he started acting like an interrogator: when I mentioned the problems first starting in Colby Kansas he said suspiciously 
" I thought you were coming from Laramie..

Yes, I was coming from Laramie yesterday, but prior to that I was coming from Denver and prior to Denver I was coming from Kansas City & Colby Kansas is in between.

And prior to Kansas City I was in Pittsburgh and prior to  Pittsburgh I was in Buffalo prior to Buffalo I was in Cleveland etc etc. Did he think I was going to tell him my life story? 

Fact is I've been driving across the country since May from California to New York and now back to CA. But my plan was to stop in Jackson for a few days WHERE I USED TO LIVE on the way back to CA . And no, I am not a Californian. I grew up in Michigan & Iowa and have since lived in Hawaii, Spain,Costa Rica, & California among other places. 

Anyways, instead of selling my car for half of what it's worth or paying for a new transmission for twice what my car is worth, I have been in the process of doing a gradual transmission fluid change & and it seems to be working, for less than $100. 

A good transmission place would have taken a sample of my transmission fluid and seen that it was BURNT and BLACK. And the first thing to try should be a GRADUAL transmission fluid change. I figured that out on my own without any mechanical training. I take out a Quart from the top, and put in a quart from the top. Then I drive & let it mix . And repeat. Until I've replaced about 8 quarts at least.

There's only two reasons why a transmission shop wouldn't suggest this: either 1) they're obtuse , or 2) this isn't very profitable for them ( nonetheless you got to take the good with the bad as a for-profit Enterprise . You can't mislead customers just because you think you can get away with it. That's called dishonesty. And it's illegal to recommend something a customer doesn't really need. 

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Cleveland Metroparks Zoo

Excellent zoo, however if you're new to the zoo and you don't keep track of where you park you might get confused when you leave as did I walking out I came to the parking lot by the main entrance and I thought that's where I parked - looked similar to the one where I parked.

 I walked around kept looking and looking couldn't find my car. So I finally flagged down some employee in a cart and I asked him "is this the only parking lot?" and he made things worse by saying there's a parking lot through that gate. but I found out later they only use that  when it's a really busy day, so I would NOT have parked there AND he would know this. 

I said "I'll go check" and he drove away without giving me any clarification. I think he was actually smirking. So I walked down to the gate and you can't even go through that gate unless you're an employee with a pass. 

So why did this jerk in the cart tell me  that you can park down there. So I waved down another girl in a cart and she was much more helpful and she said you might be over on the other side of the  rainforest. 

Lo and behold that's exactly where I parked but that first jerk could have just told me. Instead he made things worse -I was starting to imagine my car was stolen and what I would have to do if such happened

I was having a lot of inner  turmoil for a few minutes needless to say   because of this jerk.  that was not just careless of him. that was CALLOUS. πŸ‘Ž. My wife & kids still near the zoo entrance waiting for me to pick them up we're upset too.

Shame on you jerk 
male employee😑

Thanks to the good
 female employee πŸ‘ 

re National Museum of the Great Lakes, Toledo OH

Enjoyed touring the Schoonmaker πŸ‘. Good tour guide volunteer, although I don't like being winked at by other 
males πŸ‘ŽπŸ½. I'm a red- blooded Christian American πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ’ͺπŸ‹️‍♀️who loves women πŸ’ƒπŸ‘. I love women ONLY and everything about them. 

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

6/21/23 re bush league experience as a visitor at Lions pavilion, Manistee Michigan 

June 21, 2023
I haven't experienced a bush league amateur hour Michigan thing like this since I grew up here. So I'm just visiting- am actually spending thousands of saved up dollars πŸ’° on a trip as a Christian evangelist. I'm trying to encourage fellow Americans to have New Hope and confidence and courage to go forth and do what is right no matter who the president is.

 So I pull in here and it was just coincidental that there's a concert here 🎹🎺🎼.

 So I just sit back in my car for a while & listen and then I take a little stroll as they are playing their music and I make a little video of it. Then I glance thru the binoculars on the kiosk and some of those you don't have to pay but this when you have to put in a quarter.

 Not a big deal. I don't need to look in the binoculars. There's nothing to see out there that I can't see with my naked eye. So I keep walking down towards the beach. The next thing I know there's some kids following me & the boy says "Do you want a quarter?" 

Their parents must have sent them to embarrass me by offering me a quarter like I'm some kind of homeless person who can't afford to put a quarter in the binocular thing. Does this make you feel BIG parents?.

FYI, I'm NOT poor I'm NOT homeless. I'm spending thousands of dollars πŸ’° traveling across America for the sake of America πŸ‡±πŸ‡·.

 And this is Manistee- not exactly a bastion of wealth. YOU CANT fooo me. I see what I see. But I'm not looking down my nose at you so you don't have to try to create a little memorable fiction to make yourselves feel better. 

The reality is πŸ‘‰YOUπŸ‘ˆ are poor parents with children and you feel insecure about it. So you have your kids offer a wealthy person a quarter and get a little kick out it.

 I'm one of you- a fellow American - it doesn't matter how much money you have or don't have. Don't wear your insecurity on your sleeves by doing this kind of BUSH-LEAGUE nonsense. Don't be so small and petty πŸ‘Ž.

 I know this is NOT the Manistee way. You are an exception to the classy Manistee culture . I don't know what happened but I encourage you to go to church get back in a relationship with Jesus Christ ✝️ .

Let me repeat I don't care how much money you have or don't have. I was not thinking about that at all. You created a fiction. 


Tuesday, January 24, 2023

re Organization of American States, Washington DC

Organization of American States
(202) 370-5000 

I mistakenly thought I was at the Daughters of American Revolution building but that's the one next door. 
So I just inquired and the security guy with an accent was very rude and treated me like American trash πŸ—‘️ saying "We don't allow visitors". I hate it when people who are paid to do a low-level job start to think that they represent the organization rather than being paid to work for them and to perform specific tasks. I tried to ask him what exactly do they do at this organization and he did not even seem to know. He could not answer me. I hope somebody at a higher-level reads this and teaches the security people to show a little hospitality & maybe have a little paper pamphlet that they hand out for people who pass by. 

Or if you, the organization (not the racist security guard) really are passionately intent on keeping anybody from inquiring, you should post signs saying "NO VISITORS or TOURISTS" 🚫😑

Hate is NOT a virtue πŸ‘Ž. 

Review of parking enforcement Washington DC 2023

Also when I just casually related my bad experience to the gal at the window who doesn't have any real knowledge of the laws or anything ( she just does clerical work) she sarcastically responded "What did you think you were supposed to do with the paper receipt?" 

FYI sweetie: most modern municipalities do NOT require you to leave the paper receipt on the dash anymore because they have the electronic handheld device that tells them whether you paid or not. BUT IF THEY DO REQUIRE it they TELL YOU on the PIECE OF PAPER and/or ON the MACHINE
new WashDC parking enforcement money-making SCAM πŸ˜‘πŸ‘Ž.

Even tho they KNOW on their handheld device if u paid, if u DON'T put the paper receipt on the dash U get a $50 ticket. 

"Failure to display receipt is now the LEADING reason for tickets"


Repeat: they DON'T need the paper receipt on the dash to know if you paid or not. That's why you put your license plate number in the electronic payment machine at the time you pay. And that's why they have electronic devices in their hand at all times . But if not why DON'T they clearly say anywhere to display the paper on your dash ? 

You can walk in and contest a ticket which I tried to do but I had to go back to my car to get my registration & get back in line and wait for the appeals person to call my number and after waiting 30 minutes I had to leave because my parking meter was running out and I would get another parking ticket just waiting.

 So in addition to the $50 ticket 
I paid $4 twice today making it $58. 

The new Wash DC parking enforcement SCAM.

 11:25 AM on Mon, Jan 23, 2023:

The new Wash DC parking enforcement SCAM. Even tho they know with their device if u paid or not, if u DON'T put receipt on dash U get a $50 ticket. Nor do they say anywhere to place the paper receipt on the dash. 

(most modern cities that use electronic devices do not require nor need the paper proof on the dash)

"Failure to display a meter receipt has eclipsed  expired meter violations & is the leading reason for getting a ticket"

Friday, December 30, 2022

Re New Dr (Harrison) at Dr Jacqueline Wong's office in Alhambra CA

The New Dr (Hasanuddin Harrison, MD ) is ok but every time I see him he asks me if I "drink" ( ie alcohol 🍺 🍷) , as if I am a drunk or something. I keep him telling him NO I do NOT drink 🚫. Even when i asked him to send my prescription to Vons pharmacy he said  "Isn't that a liquor store?" And he laughed. 

Say what? Obviously he does NOT know this area very well because anybody who does, knows that Vons is a chain of grocery stores around Southern Cal that  also has a pharmacy inside. Yes, they sell liquor just like almost every other grocery store but that does not make them a liquor store. 

Why would I ask him to send my prescription to a liquor store ? I know of no liquor store that has a pharmacy by the way. For that matter I do NOT go to liquor stores meaning those stores that sell only liquor or mostly just liquor . 

I started coming to see Dr Wong when she was actually at the older office down the street & when I was still a teacher for the LAUSD,  and I was also attending Fuller seminary working on my Masters- in- Divinity, which, like becoming a doctor, also takes a lot of work, dedication, and intelligence. 

I continue to come and go from Southern Cal and maintain an address here as I do mission work and ministry around the country and still even another parts of the world 🌎 ✝️πŸ™.

Now Dr Wong works in the afternoons only so I just accepted seeing the morning doctor and he seems to be alert and capable but for some reason he has a FALSE IMPRESSION about me and drinking alcohol. Even after my blood test show that I'm in pretty good health.

 The main reason I come to see the doctor is for CHRONIC PAIN in my left side and especially my leg probably related to the cervical spine or lumbar , as well as possible bursitis or arthritis.

 I hope this reaches somebody in the office and maybe they can print it out and hand it to him or show it to him. 

Ask me once if I drink that's reasonable,  but three times with a little bit of an insinuation starts to impugn my character πŸ‘Ž.

 By the way, there's nothing immoral or reckless about a little drinking in moderation. I just choose NOT to drink at this point in my life .

 And also by the way I have doctors in my extended family and I know a little thing or two about  doctor lifestyles and know they're not exactly all Puritans.

 Furthermore I also worked at hospitals around doctors as a chaplain & social worker, so I also have had some eye-opening experience working around doctors. I know the truth about doctors: the good, the bad, and the ugly.


Monday, December 26, 2022

#BadAds Stop talking about our poop, penis, prostate & now "pubics". πŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘Ž

Shame on @Gillette & All intrusive sleazy body advertisers  πŸ‘Ž. STOP talking about our poop, penis,  prostate & now "pubics". 

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Re Redondo Beach library 12/17/22

They have some good new employees here seem like decent people as opposed to some of the older employees been around for so long and they're kind of like locals on their turf. So I'm thankful for the new employees who are nice and honest.

 But I hope to encourage them to crack down on the little bells and whistles that all the phones make. They do become annoying after a while. & some people just don't seem to get it. That's why phones have a silence button. 

One lady snapped at me because I thought her phone was making the noise. I said nicely "Ma'am could you please turn down your phone?" She said "It's not me. & then added "Mind your own efff'n business". I said  "Somebody made it my business  by NOT turning down their phone".

 We have a  right to a certain amount of silence in the library- a pleasant and productive atmosphere. It was the next person to her and she KNEW it. BUT she had to take the opportunity to snap at me and become abusive. Some of these older ladies actually can be abusive the way they treat younger people. 

I don't like to loosely use the b word about anybody but in this case the glove does  fit. 

So then I asked the guy next to her to turn down his phone alerts, that kept going off every minute or two,  because the employees didn't or wouldn't. And he  literally  seemed to NOT know how to silence his phone. Are you kidding me? He had to  fiddle around just to figure out how to turn down his phone. I don't care how old you are anymore- if you use a phone everyday this is as simple as anything else. 

Cmon people:  no matter how old you are, no matter what gender, religion, race creed, color, there's No Excuse for being rude by leaving your phone volume up in places like the library. Show some respect towards others. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. 

Friday, December 9, 2022

Re Women & their Purses πŸ‘› or Handbags at Church

Could the church please post messages and/or preach to the women about NOT bringing their purses with them. Some women consciously or unconsciously use their purses or handbags as status objects. And they will move it to one side or another to show their trust or distrust. This has no place in the church that should feel welcoming. 

And it gets ridiculous at times. I saw a regular parishioner who happens to be very wealthy sit down & watched a woman in the same pew eye him distrustfully and move her purse to the other side of her body. This man has no intention or need to steal her πŸ‘› purse. It's self-serving and self-righteous virtue signaling by the lady, the opposite of why we call ourselves Christians or Catholics. 

This is not a  Jewish synagogue for those who are justified by law, but a church for those justified by grace, faith, & trust, with the help of God & fellow believers. Ladies: if you have trouble trusting others, or men in particular, leave your purse πŸ‘› in the car or on the trunk if you're afraid of a break-in as well. 

As far as I know there has NEVER been a case of purse snatching inside the church and there's a security guard who drives around the parking lot now during the services and all day and I don't even know of any cases of a break-in to a vehicle.  

So if the chances of having your purse πŸ‘› stolen  are almost zero is it  fair to treat every single person,or male,  as a potential  purse snatcher. And sadly to say in some cases the distrust is by ethnic women towards white males born and raised here. That's NOT fair to good American men just because they are white and born in the USA. 

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

re Benton Museum of Art Claremont Colleges- πŸ‘Ž

1st time there: they watch you too much, like you're a potential shoplifter πŸ‘Ž. I visit museums around the country & world & have a website dedicated to art & museums. The best museums have a casual atmosphere even though they have good security. 

There's nothing WORSE than having a person literally follow you from room to room. Use a Freakin Surveillance Camera and sit in a room with big screens to surveil the patrons. 

Otherwise leave them/us alone to enjoy. If 99.9 % of patrons DON'T do anything wrong, seems wrong to watch them as if their potential shoplifters 99%of the time.

 We ALL know the golden rule of museums: Don't Touch Anything Anywhere at Anytime 

Monday, November 21, 2022

Re Substack πŸ‘ŽπŸ˜‘

I hear #substack mentioned occasionally, even on πŸ“» stations so I THOUGHT it might be a cool site to post a document, but then I get this superficial flippant response from somebody calling himself "Tex" w/o telling me what I violated, if anythingπŸ‘Ž.

This is what made people HATE Twitter & YouTube replace until they started trying to improve at least a little. 

So goodbye & good riddance to Substack . Don't need you. And now I don't like you either.

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

re Safeway Fuel Station Aptos CA

The gas station is great and they got the best gas prices in the area HOWEVER that means sometimes people lining up to get gas which isn't too bad usually in my experience. But every now and then you encounter some A- HOLE like the guy I encountered today.

 He finishes pumping his gas. I'm right behind him. Then he sees another person pumping gas like it's his next door neighbor or somebody he knows and he strikes up a conversation with her while he's still in the gas line, even though he's finished pumping gas. 

I wait an appropriate amount of time but he continues to talk and then he starts to clean out his car and I'm still waiting. 

 Finally I say something- I yell at him "If you're done pumping gas get going -move out. You can clean out your car anywhere -people are waiting. There's three or four cars behind me." And he gets indignant like a little baby- like it's an imposition on him. It's like he's oblivious- he doesn't care about anybody else. This is very very rare actually. He was just so SELF-CENTERED.

 I hope my harsh language and rebuke of him will make him become better in the future but I doubt it. He seemed like he was such a self-centered selfish egotistical person . 

Very distressing to know these kind of dinosaurs still exist. We must continue to REBUKE these types of Cretans until they COMPLY . Do NOT back down. 

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Re Clinch Park Traverse City MI & " Zen fishing 🎣"

To the "Michigan man" who felt compelled to inform me that there's no fish to catch here by the beach, I tried to explain to you that I was "killing time" waiting for an event to begin and this was a good excuse to wade in the water & cool off. That's the short answer. Here's the longer answer:

To all Michigan men who pride yourselves on being outdoorsmen & hunter/trappers/fishermen : sometimes it's ok to just chill out even if there's no fish to catch. It doesn't mean I am stupid for fishing here. It just means I am relaxing & getting a little Zen from the art of casting & reeling. 

And once again,I was waiting for an event to begin and wanted to cool off. I hope that me casting a line where there is no fish just for some Zen doesn't cause you too much indignation or make you think I am a "retard". It's ok to " Zen out" once in a while (and it doesn't make me a retard).

Every moment of life does
 NOT have to be "practical". Let's be real: nobody needs to fish for survival anymore. So it's ok to go "Zen fishing" once in a while

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

"Why does it seem like people that drive big pickup trucks are in such a hurry and drive so aggressively and seem so angry?"

My guess about pickup truck drivers in general is that a LOT of them have a need for power and control or maybe even some obsessive compulsive tendencies (OCD) -- meaning they are actually the opposite of being "strong and powerful"-- they are weak and wimpy and fearful and need a big truck to try to make them feel strong.

1) " I mean some of them have a legitimate reason to have a pick up truck but I think that the majority of guys who have ginormous trucks are trying to make a political statement. I noticed a lot of trucks with the wheels sticking out which I think looks retarded and giant exhaust pipes for blowing black smoke in the face of other drivers cars which is not only inconsiderate but makes them look like assholes. … It's called Coal rolling. But that is what they want, they want to look like assholes and they want to say fuck you and fuck the environment. Also they think that they are Impressing women but really that is not true at all.

2) "Because many of them are [assholes?}. I sort of answered this in another question some time back. The other question asked if hazardous or aggressive drivers could be identified by the type of vehicle that they drive.

Pickup drivers are the Jekyll and Hyde amongst the many personalities and behaviors behind a steering wheel. When I am driving a heavy truck commercially, pickup drivers are usually my friends. They are far more likely than anyone else on the road to give me a break and yield to my signaled or implied intentions.

When I am driving my own pickup, a basic mid-sized two-wheel drive vehicle of unassuming appearance, other pickup drivers are neutral around me. They do not bother with me. In my compact crossover, however, one might think that the Incredible Hulk was behind the wheel of that jacked-up 4x4 monster truck wannabe.

There is no reason for my driving behavior to be any different in my compact car as compared to when driving my pickup. So why does it seem, to me, like there are only Incredible Hulk types driving large pickups?

I can guess that the pickup driver easily sees past me, over the top of my car. When I have a tailgater, I double my following distance, if possible, regardless of what I am driving. I do this to ensure that I can execute an emergency stop without getting rear-ended. Looking over the top of my car, Hulk may assume that the distance in front of me means that I am driving too slowly.

This triggers Hulk's learned behavior that says, when things do not suit you, you should go into a rage and punish everyone who is the perceived cause of your rage. The irony is that my increased following distance gives Hulk a place to go when traffic finally allows him to move his mega-mechanical beast around me.

What most amuses me about angry or aggressive drivers, in any vehicle, is the lack of gain for the pain that they put themselves and those around through while driving. As often as not, when I manage to get a Hulk safely in front of me, I'll see him again in a few miles. He will be waiting not far from me at the same stoplight and intersection where I am waiting. He may have regained much of his natural color but the primer is fresh and ready to set off another explosion if things do not go his way again.

Safe and calm driving to you."

Re Maple 🍁 Pass Trail, North Cascades NP , WA πŸ”️

I enjoyed counter clockwise but going DOWN the steep part has a different wear & tear on the feet & toes & knees & joints. Nice side trail to Lake Ann but you will see plenty of it from above if u don't want the extra mile. Met a NICE FRIENDLY GAL πŸ‘§with a dog πŸ•at the top. Its always great to meet friendly people who aren't afraid of interacting. 

There were a few grouchy ones in passing as well. And one gal thinking if she said hello I might interpret it wrongly like this is 1950 or something. Fear has NO place on the trail. The fearful vibe kills the experience. And  I don't mind passing in silence but could do WITHOUT the fearful or angry vibe. And the know- it -all vibe. 

Near the top I asked one lady if the trail goes "up that way" pointing to a spot where people were standing -trying to get an idea of the loop direction. She scoffed "it's a goes down" (she didn't say idiot but it was dripping off her not so nice lips).

 I said "I know it's a loop" (I didn't say "u blankety blank") ... (YES I did research this trail. Consulted many hiking blogs etc before arrival as I do with all hikes including my recent hikes to Cascade Pass, Yellow Aster, & Chain- of -Lakes; as well as Storm King, WagonWheel, Hurricane Ridge & Switchback at Olympic NP a few weeks ago, among others "...but which WAY does the loop go from here.." she seemed so upset by my question .. I just kept going. Maybe she was mentally ill.

Anyways the loop DID IN FACT GO UP to where I was pointing and then goes down. It was a very simple YES or NO question... Not sure why it caused this lady so much stress. She had just come that way a few moments prior

 (later I realized the cross around my neck sometimes causes certain types of people to experience irrational anger & false negative stereotypes of Christians. Yes, Christians DO read & use their minds including me, including the study of Greek & Hebrew & BA/BA/M.Div). We're NOT all backwater hillbillies & we don't confuse faith with luck. In fact the Christians I know read & study much more than so-called secular "scientific" people ( & the ones who messes up the COVID response so horribly) .Thank God people aren't wearing masks on the trail anymore. Those were the worst of times. Talk about superstitious πŸ‘Ž.

Down a ways nice view of BOTH Lake Ann AND Rainy Lake simultaneousy  & a waterfall πŸ‘. Now the steep toe-stubbing section...finally the paved trail. Back to car πŸš—. On the road again. 

Enjoy the hike. And commit at least one act of random kindness along the way πŸ’₯πŸ’―πŸŒ„πŸŽ. It WON'T hurt u 😁☺️😊 #JesusSaves 

Sunday, September 11, 2022

re Frye Art Museum, Seattle.

Its ok. Kind of Small. And I wish they had an area where you didn't feel you were being watched all the time. I know they need to make sure nobody touches anything but is that REALLY a problem. We've been trained like monkeys since kindergarten to KNOW that the #1 rule at museums is "DON'T TOUCH". 

I like museums where its more relaxed so i DON'T feel like an animal in the zoo. DON'T worry. We will NOT TOUCH anything. 

Here's what u do: u also have cameras πŸ“Ή watching our every move. So u have 1 person monitoring the screens. If he/she sees a character who is acting like a rebel, you send an employee into that area . Otherwise u give people free reign. 

Art is supposed to liberate us, right ? And the experience at the art museum should be liberating, NOT a task to complete & then feel glad that you're getting out of there.  

AND by the way there's nothing WORSE than somebody saying "Thanks for coming. Have a nice day" in an apathetic tone as you leave . I  DON'T believe u truly care if i have a 'nice day' . u DON'T even know me & probably WOULDN'T even be willing to help me if u saw me on the street. 

So flush your  meaningless cliches down the toilet 🚽 πŸ’©. DON'T dump them on us 🚫 πŸ‘Ž.

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Re Regal movie theater, Bellingham WA

Disappointed that they would NOT cordially use my phone # to look up my member # to get the Tuesday discount ( a savings of $10). The manager just kept repeating "we DON'T DO THAT ANYMORE". she said I must either have my card, or my card number, or download the app ( & they DON'T provide free WiFi). 

I don't have my card that I received 10 years ago. And I haven't ever used my member # . I've always used my phone no problem. The manager stuck to her guns & would NOT relent. Already a few minutes late I had to spend 10 more minutes downloading the regal app.
Then reset a new password to login.
 Then fiddle around to find my member #. Finally walk back in up to a ticket seller. Wait for the people in front to buy popcorn. Finally get a ticket. Finally got into the movie.

 Then a disappointment with the Crawdads movie .. thinking it was about a girl surviving in the swamp. Not really. She lives in a house in the marsh of NC. She's NOT surviving amongst alligators etc. Yes a tough life for a kid but NOT like a female Rambo . Wasn't expecting a tender hearted love story πŸ‘Ž. Good for the ladies. Not for me. 

Regal Barkley Village
(844) 462-7342

Monday, August 22, 2022

re O'Dea High School, Seattle WA

8/22 Because a parking sign says "no parking school days" I called and asked "Ally" when does school begin & she said "staff is here... so today.." but students DON'T arrive until 8/24  . I'm sure staff can park in the parking lot , so I was put off by her lazy flippant generalization ...

 Being a visitor for a few days, a free parking spot is a nice gracious gift. She could put a little effort into being more precise, & less LAZY πŸ‘Ž

Friday, August 19, 2022

re Mike's Plum Street Automotive Olympia Lacey WA

I brought a new battery to them for installation in an urgent situation near closing time. Just traveling thru the area. Wasn't expecting a freebie but DIDN'T expect $50 fee either πŸ‘Ž. 

I figured maybe $25 would be fair at most to turn a few bolts etc. You live & learn who you can rely upon for a fair job & who u CAN'T. I've lived long enough to know this was NOT fair or honest πŸ‘Ž. 

Not sure who is the office manager ( & his wife ? ). It's NOT Mike. How u handle the small jobs leads to the big jobs & return customers. But he thinks I'm not from the area so what does it matter.

IT pays for a big meal at a fine restaurant. They're eating steak & lobster tonight at my expense. 

Most importantly- how u treat others will be how God treats u in the END. Think about that as you eat your steak πŸ–& wine🍷 tonight. Enjoy it while it lasts . 

WOULDN'T u rather it last FOREVER ? Eternal life is NOT a guarantee if u DON'T practice the faith u profess to believe. 

BTW: I think the mechanic was named Steve & he actually knew about the history of the area he lived in. I was impressed. 

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Re Seaside Cinema, Seaside Oregon

I actually like this old school theatre & the video arcade with a Pac-Man machine πŸ‘πŸ˜ƒ. 

However the Latino guy selling tickets called a customer 'boss' , which is a Latino code for the B word (that rhymes with itch) ...

 They make it sound respectful but they are (silently) laughing at you and insulting you when they call you 'boss'. 

And if U object they pretend it was meant to be respectful. It's passive aggressive. Every manager should be very aware of this & punish or fire employees accordingly. 

Wednesday, August 3, 2022


Calvin & Christian Reformed Church are, or were, in general,  conservative institutions. However, unfortunately, some students come from highly LEFTIST homes or communities & are simply USING Calvin for a relatively bargain priced good education (or used to be). Like using a boyfriend or girlfriend for a few kicks without sincere devotion or commitment to the Reformed principles of Calvin, & then dumping him or her or even ghosting him or her. While others remain shamelessly attached to the school & church even as LEFTIES . Even a FAR lefty senator in Grand Rapids came from Calvin CRC & is anti-Life  (initials WB). It's shameful & sad . Used to be proud to say I came from there too. Now NOT so much.
If you're from the East Coast don't come to midwest Calvin &  be a soccer ⚽ snob . I remember playing intramural soccer ( & I'm not like a seasoned soccer player -growing up in the Midwest we played  real football 🏈 NOT futbol )  but I know how to KICK a ball and one of the guys from the soccer team was playing  intramural soccer for some reason he started ridiculing me because he didn't like the "WAY"  I kicked the ball as if  I  care HOW I kick the ball, as long as the ball goes where I want it to go. He was a soccer snob but WASN'T very good & more concerned with the WAY you kick the ball then where the ball is going or if it's in the goal. Meanwhile I was actually scoring goals. So DON'T come  from the east coast or wherever to the Midwest & be a soccer snob. We DON'T need that here πŸ‘Ž

Saturday, July 30, 2022


In general when I enter Oregon from another state I feel as if I am entering another era. There is a simplicity here. & They even pump your gas for you which I actually Don't like but that's another story. Buy I asked for a fill up & when the pump clicked & stopped it wasn't full. Should be a simple matter of clicking the handle again but the guy said he needed my card again. Say what ? You should NOT have to swipe twice for one fill up. And this also sometimes triggers fraud protection at the credit card company. It's a yellow flag to them for some reason so sometimes it will be declined if you swipe it twice in succession same place. Then you have to talk to your company etc. So I just said forget about it. I'll finish somewhere else. But the law about having somebody else pump the gas ⛽ seems to create lack of ambition in the young people working there.its an easy mindless job. But that's NOT always a good thing. As a matter of public policy u want people to grow ...not to drop out of school to pump gas for the rest of their lives 

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

re the angry OCD lady at Peninsula Library Palos Verdes

its usually a good atmosphere BUT -- there are just a FEW obsessive compulsive regulars who ALWAYS sit at the same computer & IF for some reason you happen to sit at "their computer" they become VISIBLY UPSET not just that they can't sit at "THEIR COMPUTER" (which is NOT theirs, but for ANY patron) but they actually become ANGRY at the person sitting at "their computer". It happened to me once-- a female regular actually started muttering negative things about me because I happened to sit at "her computer" . This was around 12 noon-- NOT opening time. She really believed everybody in the world who visits the library should KNOW that this is "her spot " ?  This was BEFORE I realized that she had OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) -- . but the library should NOT be enabling this sort of addictive repetitive behavior especially because it leads to this IRRATIONAL SENSE of ENTITLEMENT to one particular  public computer at a public library. People who enter into the "public spaces" KNOW or should know that we have to be accomodating of one another. This OCD lady is treating it like a private space-- as if she has some PERSONAL RIGHT to sit at the same computer just because she's been coming there for a while now. (honestly, i've been coming here much longer. I remember when she arrived. There's such a negative vibe emanating from her-- which is another strange thing=- people come "up" here to get away from the angry city vibe. But she brings it with her. If she like the angry city vibe, why come to PV library? There's plenty of city libraries to choose from- that have security guards and lots of rules & limits on computer time etc). That would seem to be more to  her  liking. But it's as if she LIKES to make  an angry statement by coming here. Some damn chip on her shoulder. The second she comes in now-- I LEAVE as quick as possible. It feels like an evil presence. Sad. I used to love coming here. 

Saturday, July 2, 2022

video: full hike to Mount Whitney peak with dog Lola

full hike to Mount Whitney peak with dog Lola & night before by Lake Diaz
wow ! I thought I lost this video and I was going thru some old DVD's and this came off of one-- I guess I stored it-- thankfully-- and so here it is--- arriving the night before- camped at Lake Diaz -- starting the hike-- actually thru the night-- no camping & arriving at peak -- cloudy-- no views- and raining on the way back -- double rainbow . Lola exhausted. Me too.

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Correction: 6/28/22 Re southwest corner of Newport Beach central library parking lot

6/28/22 Re southwest corner of
 Newport Beach central library parking lot:

 I go to the library regularly, & periodically I see people walking to the southwest corner of the lot behind the Gelsons . Not sure what is back there.  a shortcut ? cigarette break? Or a place to smoke pot ? Or something more serious ? 

Then I was walking to my car today & a guy from that corner gave me a "100-yard stare" as i walked that direction, only to stop short when i got to my car. He seemed highly concerned that i might approach him like he thought i was somebody with authority. 

Whatever's happening back there it's starting to get creepy & they're starting to get paranoid. Maybe its time for a few cops to take a walk thru there  periodically & see if it's something that needs to be addressed. I DON'T want to play cop. 

I prefer to remain anonymous.

Thanks. πŸ‘

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Re members of a certain religion in BH

FYI : i know there are some persons here of a particular religion that study Hebrew etc. Some of them have a low opinion of us who are NOT of the same religion & assume we are generally uneducated & unclean.

 I just want to inform you that I personally HAVE studied not only Hebrew but also Greek & Aramaic at a higher level of education. As well as Latin & Spanish. And although I am NOT kosher, I do maintain top health, diet, & exercise protocols. I wash my hands frequently. And I am heterosexual, but celibate & consecrated to the Lord.

 I believe in GOD too: The Father, Son, & Holy Spirit, also known as The Trinity, or Triune God. Google it. I've been coming to BH library since 1984. And I support people of your religion against persecution. I denounce the historical atrocities committed against people of your religion. DON'T become what became of you, historically speaking. . Check your negative prejudices at the door. Or at least keep them to yourselves. 

BA/ BA/ M.Div

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Walmart at 19340 Hawthorne Blvd, Torrance, CA 90503

Cashier felt it necessary to inform everybody that she was experiencing 'menopause'. Appropriate? 
Will she tell us when she's having her period too ?

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Review of OCC Recycling Center, 2701 Fairview Rd, Costa Mesa, CA

Review of OCC Recycling Center,
 2701 Fairview Rd, 
Costa Mesa, CA 92626

There's an Asian lady working here who is the meanest B ... itch in the world 🌎 - AND she is a supremacist who treats white males like Trash πŸ—‘. She is ugly & mean & i hope she goes to hell πŸ”₯ in tge end. 

She treated me so terribly bad like I was worse than the dirt on her shoes. It still haunts me as one of the lowest points in my life. And i am a good person . NOT πŸ—‘. 

I grew up working hard, going to school & church, being kind to others. Patriotic πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ and also welcoming to immigrants. Even did missionary work in other countries .

 And this Asian lady treated me like trash. I know as a Christian i am supposed to want her to be saved but at this point i want her to go to hell πŸ”₯. Nobody should be treated the way she treated me 🚫. She should be fired. 

BA/ BA/ Masters

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Review of Palos Verdes hiking

Used to love hiking here to "get away" ...  I managed to accept & work around all the parking "mickey mouse"  🐁 πŸ‘Ž that continues ( new rules every month). 

BUT then the new "ranger(s)"  (seem like city kids barely out of high school) in their white trucks became overbearing - they seem to think they have a right to drive up to you & speak thru their window at you while you walk down the sidewalk. & Later parking near where I was resting - clearly an attempt to assert their presence. 

This is the way it is now going in even the most remote parts _ even a "lifeguard" all year at remote Abalone Cove. It has an ulterior motive: to tell the people that the CA government is IN CONTROL of you in ALL places (whether local city or state) at ALL times. So I just QUIT hiking here.

 I think the residents are finally achieving their goal of getting rid of people. What a SHAME. I can easily LEAVE the state & enjoy epic hiking areas around the country & stay out of CA for months on end. 

BUT NOT all others are so lucky. PV used to be such a special place . I've been coming here since the MarineLand  days.  Key words: "used to be". Farewell. Enjoy the prison you created for yourselves

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Dear Angels baseball ⚾

@Angels i buy my tickets @ the window because i DON'T like doing it electronically & DON'T want to share my "data" with U & DON'T want an "account" & I DON'T want to share my email. & If i use a signed credit card u have NO legal right to demand ID  , let alone write down my info 🚫. DON'T be jerks πŸ‘Ž

Monday, May 2, 2022

Re Beverly Hills Library

There's a creepy little kid (young adult) who roams around the library with a laptop bragging that he's a " computer programmer " as if anybody cares. On top of that he calls people "faggots" . And if you complain, the staff treat it as an argument between 2 patrons. 
But it's a one-sided un-instigated attack by the creep with the laptop.

 Plus he tries to sit at the library computers with his laptop when there's tables everywhere for laptop users. He got kicked out one time after lying that he had "special permission".  I hope staff permanently bans him sooner before later. 

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Re John Baptist Catholic, Costa Mesa

I'm concerned about the leadership creating a cult like following. And now you are required to kneel before them to receive the eucharist. Of course they say it's kneeling before God & showing respect to God but it FEELS LIKE YOU'RE KNEELING to the PRIESTS .

 Puchner & Bushmaker are both midwest dudes . Puchner used to be a virtuous brother but I'm concerned he's losing it. I wonder if it's time for the bishop to shake things up a little. These 2 priests have been here for SO LONG now. Pray about it.πŸ™πŸ™✝️✝️πŸ™πŸ™✝️✝️

Monday, April 25, 2022

Re #TowGuyInRed towing service Irvine CA (April 2022)

 The guy on the phone at dispatch   keeps  making up NEW NAMES to call me . In  the same phone call he called me "sir" (which can be  respectful or FAKE respectful depending on the tone. In this case I don't think the kid at dispatch respects too many people at all). 

 Then he calls me "boss" (which is condescending  & overly used around So Cal by every freakin passive -aggressive dropout who hates their job and wish they had stayed in schoolπŸ‘Ž).

AND then he calls me "buddy" (which is sarcastic) and inappropriate for a young man talking to a 60 -year-old gentleman.

 All this  tells me he's kind of a control freak  & self-centered who DOESN'T truly care about other people. πŸ‘ŽπŸš«

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Review re Henry's Towing Service, Santa Ana CA

Henry's Towing Service
(714) 702-6514

My experience with Henry's towing unfortunately was NOT very positive.  Although the driver did a good job of hooking up my vehicle and taking all the  safety precautions,  when I got in the truck with him to get towed to the repair shop he started blaring  "gangsta rap" included all the profanities like the F word S Word B Word  as well as the N word & lyrics very degrading towards women. 

 And I'm a Christian woman and don't like nor approve of this kind of music.   I know there are those people who like to blare it in their car when their driving to annoy people  but you DON'T expect it from a so-called professional tow truck driver while you're driving with him πŸš«πŸ‘ŽπŸ˜‘.  NOT just very unprofessional but dehumanizing and degrading.

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

REVIEW OF 3/29/22 a so-called PHOTO SELLING WEBSITE (very disappointed. can't recommend)

SO I've been looking around for websites to offer my photos for sale. These are mostly smartphone traveling photos. I signed up here and then they offered me a pro account trial for a week and encouraged me to upload my entire portfolio. 

So I started uploading a large amount of my stored photos and was hopeful that this was a good website to try to market my photos. 

THen suddenly I was logged out and I tried to log back in and it said I was "banned" and to contact them via email which I tried but they did not respond. 

Are they "ghosting" me? What's wrong ? If they only want professional photos they should say so. I offer medium quality but excellent QUANTITY-- photos which can be enlarged and enhanced etc.

 IF is some sort of high brow that calls anything not taken with a professional camera a "potato" ? IF that's their attitude I don't want to be part of them anyways. 

But it's very amateur of them to just cut me off without explanation. Is there some dude in a basement somewhere just personally running this operation ? i JUST wasted 2 days here. DISAPPOINTED. 

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Re Rolling Hills Covenant Church, Palos Verdes

When I see the same ushers in the same spot & the same parking lot attendant in the same spot every Sunday -week after week -never coming inside to hear the message, it tells me that the message really is not that important and  you're not going to really learn or grow from it. 

 Otherwise the church would require the workers to sit down during the service and learn something - take a few notes- & also participate in prayer. 

 So the sermon (& even prayer) apparently is just some sort of ceremony we all sit thru and go to - maybe it's good for families with kids - but for the rest of us -we already know it all -so why go to church at all ? 

I'll  just grab a coffee & go direct traffic in the parking lot or be a security guard & tune everything else out - just watch the people & make sure they stand & sit & obey. Or be an usher at the same door πŸšͺ for 25 years - just make sure people go in, & get out when its over.

  This is what Rolling Hills Covenant is REALLY teaching me. 

Wednesday, March 16, 2022



#Repent&BeBaptized !                        #acceptChrist2bSaved2day !

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Re Lake Worth Park Beach at 10 S Ocean Blvd, Lake Worth, FL 33460

Don't waste your time coming here.  You might as well go down the road to Lantana  & pay half price for a  better Beach and  nicer people. Plus at Lake Worth they have a 2 hour MINIMUM on the meters so it's AUTOMATIC 6 dollars even if you want to stay less. πŸ‘Ž

The worse thing is there's a few locals here - a couple of who wear red shorts and like to PRETEND  they are lifeguards when they're NOT.  One of them is an older man with a white beard. I call him  the Santa πŸŽ… Claus creep (opposite of a real Santa). The other has long hair & looks like a pothead hippy loser.

These LOSERS have nothing better to do than harass visitors who come from all over the world to enjoy the water. Why don't they let the REAL lifeguards do their job?

THese CREEPS are major A-hole dropouts with  NOTHING going for them except that they think they can control the little stretch of water while laying on their surfboards. 

 And they're the kind of surfers that DON'T know how to surf. They just sit in the water for a few hours and say they went surfing. Losers & creeps πŸ‘Ž. Avoid Lake Worth beach .

-Sally, a real surfer- πŸ„πŸŒŠ

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

SHAME on Washington DC parking enforcement πŸ‘Ž

 This is a true story:

 I arrived in Washington DC on January 20th after driving several thousand miles for an annual DC event. And upon arrival I had to go for a covid test at the nearby CVS medical lab near Le Enfant Plaza . I had never been to this area before & I was using Google Maps for navigation.

Suddenly I realized I need to empty my bowels urgently. Unfortunately there is not a lot of public restrooms in many places as I travel so I've devised a way to take care of restroom business inside my vehicle as I travel either discreetly using a bottle or a bucket which I appropriately dispose of later.

So as I was arriving at the covid testing place I realized I need to take care of bathroom business first. I pulled up to the parking meter intending to pay the meter AFTER I took care of bathroom business which would probably take 5 to 10 minutes. I figured    parking enforcement wouldn't come so quickly.

 I was wrong. In the middle of 'taking care of business', a parking enforcement officer came up to my vehicle and gives me a $30 parking ticket. I could see through the cracks of the coverings that I put over the windows when I need privacy.

Obviously I couldn't leave my vehicle and I couldn't get up and start the car or talk to her in the middle  of 'doing business'. 

So  I finished  doing my duty & then I stuck my head out & told her I had just arrived ... without explaining the exact circumstances. She responded she had 'no way of knowing how long I had been here.' Nor did she offer to void the ticket.  I expressed my feelings about it and that was that. 

However, there is a lesson to be learned: the parking officer clearly could have discerned that somebody was in the vehicle. She could also simply feel the hood to see HOW WARM is the engine to verify the car had just been turned off. 

Unless she is intentionally taking pleasure in reducing a person's savings, her goal should be to honestly & fairly issue tickets to those who are clearly disregarding parking rules. NOT trying to "get" people in a game of 'cat & mouse' all about seconds or a few minutes. This is NOT a basketball '3 seconds in the lane' violation. 

 This felt like she was being zealous & vexatious. And almost like she knew I had just arrived. I was literally there only a few minutes & literally taking care of a personal emergency inside the vehicle. It just seems too coincidental that she could arrive so quickly. Do they use cameras? Was she following me ? This was BEYOND casually doing one's parking enforcement job. It was targeting. SHAME ON YOU πŸ‘Ž.
I feel violated.

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

To: HBC Transportation, Complaint re truck driver near Clinton MS USA

To: HBC Transportation, 

re: Complaint re truck Clinton MS

On January 17 at approximately  3:20 p.m. I was on interstate 20 in a passenger SUV  going eastward near exit 31 approaching Clinton MS and one of your truckers aggressively tailgated me seemingly because he thought I was going too slow at 60mph.

It felt like he was trying to intimidate ,  scare, or harrass me etc.  If I had hit the brakes it would have been very dangerous - I'm afraid he might have rear-ended me.

I want to let you know about this so you can keep a record of complaints against this driver in case of further (or previous) incidents. 

This will help you know if you have a rogue  driver. Please look into this & counsel him if he has an anger issue etc. I do a lot of driving and I'm a safe & good driver . I don't go too slow or too fast.  Nobody really ever has a problem with me unless they have an anger problem or other emotional issues. 

Thank you very much. 

Joy V

The license plate of the
 truck was Ontario Canada V47-60Z 

I sent this on your contact form 
but you did NOT reply .

Wednesday, December 8, 2021


#Repent&BeBaptized !                        #acceptChrist2bSaved2day !

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Review of OctaPharma Plasma Garden Grove CA

It's ok but a few of the employees are prima donnas. They think they are more important than the  donors & will take their time to come to you when your green light is on. They will do it intentionally to show you "who's the boss". 

My green light was on for about 2 minutes  and finally I waved to Dominique  to make sure that he knew I was finished because none of the employees were looking my way. He was casually talking to a female employee at the moment and responded "we'll be with you in a moment" and then he DIDN'T come over in a moment. Instead I had to wait for the gal nearby who was still cleaning one of the chairs.

 Finally she came  and tried to make me feel like I was the one who was being pushy telling me she was "cleaning the blood that had dripped  on the floor" as if I was the bad guy for wanting to get unhooked in a timely manner. And I DON't want to hear about blood dripping πŸ‘Ž. I was NOT being demanding -just expecting timely service as able ( & Dominique was able as well the gal he was talking to).  They were just chit-chatting .

Every single person who comes in there to donate blood is doing a good job by coming in patiently, obeying all the rules, being polite.  Many I've talked to  have jobs  and this is just to help make ends meet. We all have hardships  we could tell but nobody  wants to hear  sad stories. 

 If you're one of the workers and you're  just casually talking  to a coworker and you won't take time to come and take the needle out of somebody's arm ASAP then that's really LOUSY & MEAN  of you. shame on you. 

You're NOT superior to us. You're NOT more important. We've done our best as clients to come in in an orderly manner ... quietly & patiently obeying the rules and it's NOT too much to ask that when we're finished that you come over in a timely manner to let us out. It's NOT being demanding of us . It's a normal expectation. We  are doing our best so it's normal to expect that you do your best. It's mutual . Make it a win-win.


Friday, November 19, 2021

This black female is a very depressing person _-always wears hoodie -

This black female is a  very depressing person _-always wears hoodie -sits at same place every day at this  library.  She has such an angry negative vibe even tho the white management doesn't enforce any rules against her. She's special. & thinks she owns her area. If u sit at a nearby computer she becomes rude & gross . white management afraid to do anything πŸ‘Ž

Monday, November 8, 2021

Can we END abortion by paying πŸ’°people to NOT abort ? πŸ’₯πŸŒŸπŸ˜‡

Can we END abortion by
 paying people to NOT abort ? 
ie Paying good money πŸ’Έ for a 

Can we END the abortion industry by paying πŸ’° abortion workers to STOP doing their business ? Give them a retirement payout if they 
promise to stop aborting babies ?

Many people fighting to keep the abortion industry going in a lot of cases are fighting for their OWN careers AND salariesπŸ’°. My proposition is to shift the money directly to them & let them live in luxury BUT at the SAME TIME ban abortion. Will they accept that?
 Pay to NOT abort

#ChiefBigFaith was here 🌟πŸ’₯

Friday, October 22, 2021

Re American Latinos who Hate White Americans

Re American Latinos who

Hate White Americans

( or Latinos living in America who

Hate White Americans )

Here's the city of Shafter.  Now at an  ATM and a  Latino girl saw me and she started swearing on her phone πŸ“± just to try to perturb me -it looked like a fake phone conversation as an excuse to use profanity- to prove something -but prove what ?

IT'S NOT the first time it's happened but now I know it's intentional so I'm trying to psychoanalyze it. It's a bad phenomenon - some Latinos intentionally exhibiting extremely rude behavior as they walk by -in one case at Newport Beach a stoned pothead Latino intentionally burped very loudly as I walked by on the beach then he laughed maniacally - very rude and crude.

It's like they're saying " I don't give a blank and I want you to know it" as opposed to polite society where at least they pretend that they do care and want to be known as good citizens.

 It's really the ultimate slap in the face when they do that. You can't get more insulting than that -like saying "I'm an A- hole and I'm proud of it " . It's almost like they're trying to pick a fight even though they are being cowardly - they know that you're in such a situation as a good citizen that to get in a fight would be self-defeating NOT because you couldn't win a fist fight with the skinny chumps (or in the case of female antagonists they know you won't hit a girl) but because you'd end up getting in trouble with the law which would cause you many more problems as a good citizen than a person who could sit in jail for a year and their life would be the same -going nowhere. 

So they intentionally act worse than animals - what they really want, I think - in this case its a predominantly Latino community- is they want to keep white people out. It's actually racism but they can't be overtly racist so they have to exhibit behavior that makes you want to stay away from them - to think of them as worse than animals even though you know Mexico actually has a polite culture -so they're saying "if we treat them (ie white people) like blank indirectly they WON'T want to be around us & we can have our own private Idaho here in the USA.  We can't ban them but we can make them want to stay away by acting worse than animals."

Its total racism by them toward whites.

  IT'S like they hate the people who open the doors πŸšͺto welcome them in (a lot of us, including me, are kindhearted & want you to do well & have opportunities) & to keep us away from them, they will make us miserable to be around them by acting worse than animals. At least I know the rationale behind it now - it took me awhile to figure out. Shameful. πŸ‘Ž